Become a Microsoft Certified for FREE in 2024.
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Become a Microsoft Certified for FREE in 2024.

10 months ago
MICROSOFT LEARN STUDENT HUB Student certifications

Unlock your professional potential and elevate your career by becoming a Microsoft Certified expert – and the best part? It's absolutely FREE in 2024! Dive into a world of cutting-edge skills and credentials that will set you apart in the tech landscape. Seize this opportunity to enhance your expertise without breaking the bank. Let's embark on a journey of knowledge and empowerment together.

Introduction to machine learning with Python and Azure Notebooks

1. Introduction to machine learning with Python and Azure Notebooks

Introduction to the course

Python has become a dominant language for doing data analysis with machine learning. Learn how to leverage Python and associated libraries in Jupyter Notebooks run on Azure Notebooks to predict patterns and identify trends. This learning path can help you prepare for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate certification.
This course is a great way to learn the basics and use cases of Machine Learning.

→ 11 Modules

→ 2.5 Hours

→ Beginner Friendly

→ Free Badge
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Python for beginners

2. Python for beginners
Introduction to the course

Get started with Python! Learn how to create programs and projects in Python. Work with strings, lists, loops, dictionaries, and functions.

In this learning path, you'll:

  • Write your first program in Python
  • Explore packages to better manage projects
  • Learn Python basics, including the following elements:
    • Boolean types
    • Strings
    • Mathematical operations
    • Lists and loops
    • Dictionaries
    • Functions
    • Error checking
  • Get familiar with Jupyter notebooks

Learn how to create programs and projects in Python. Work with strings, lists, loops, dictionaries, and functions.

→ 10 Modules

→ 5.5 Hours

→ Beginner Friendly

→ Free Badge

Click here : LINK

Get started with Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL

3. Get started with Azure Cosmos DB

Introduction to the course

Learn about the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and how to get started with your first account, database, and container.

This learning path helps prepare you for Exam DP-420: Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB.

Before starting this learning path, you should already have:

  • Familiarity with Azure and the Azure portal.

Experience programming with C#. If you have no previous programming experience, we recommend you complete the Take your first steps with C# learning path before starting this one.

Learn about the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and How to get started with your first account, database, and container.

→ 06 Modules

→ 01 Hours

→ Intermediate

→ Free Badge

Click here : LINK

Get started with AI on Azure

4. Get started with AI on Azure

Introduction to the course
With AI, we can build solutions that seemed like science fiction a short time ago; enabling incredible advances in health care, financial management, environmental protection, and other areas to make a better world for everyone.

Learning objectives

In this module, you'll learn about the kinds of solutions AI can make possible and considerations for responsible AI practices.

Learn the concepts and capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) on Azure.

→ 10 Modules

→ 01 Hours

→ Beginner Friendly

→ Earn 10XP

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