Stay Safe Online: How an OSINT Bot Can Help You Find Leaked Data

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Stay Safe Online: How an OSINT Bot Can Help You Find Leaked Data

8 hours ago
#OSINT Toolbox, search leaked data for Email, Phone Number, Facebook account, Twitter profile and Telegram username.

Incredible bot for #OSINT

Just insert the name, email, username, or any other identifier, and you might see what's leaked on the internet about it. Furthermore, it even shows passwords of accounts that have been hacked, to which users are probably oblivious. Sometimes, a lot of your information may leak without you knowing. Check to see what information about you has leaked onto the internet.


If you are one of those users who use the same password for all accounts, make sure to check if any of your passwords have been exposed, and if so, change the passwords for your other accounts immediately.

You can search for the following data:

📧Search by mail

├ - mail search

├ example@ - search without domain

└ - search for specific domains.

👤Search by name or nickname

├ Petrov

├ Petrov Maxim

├ Petrov Sergeevich

├ Maxim Sergeevich

├ Petrov Maxim Sergeevich


📱Search by phone number

├ +79002206090

├ 79002206090

└ 89002206090

🔑Search by password

└ 123qwe

🚗Search by car

├ O999MU777 - search for a car in the Russian Federation

├ BO4561АХ - search for a car using the Criminal Code

└ XTA21150053965897 - search by VIN

✈Search for a telegram account

├ Petrov Ivan - search by first and last name

├ 314159265 - search by account ID

└ Petivan - search by username. The dog is not placed in front of the username!

📘Search for a Facebook account

├ Petrov Ivan - search by name

└ 314159265 - search by account ID

🌟Search for a VKontakte account

├ Petrov Ivan - search by first and last name

└ 314159265 - search by account ID

🌟Search for an Instagram account

├ Petrov Ivan - search by first and last name

└ 314159265 - search by account ID

🌟Search by IP


📃Search by file. UTF-8 encoding. One query per line.

Composite queries in any format are supported:

├ Petrov 79002206090

├ Maxim Sergeevich

├ ShadowPlayer228

├ Maxim Sergeevich Moscow

├ 123qwe

└ ShadowPlayer228 08/16/1994

You can also search for data using several queries at once. To do this, specify each request on a separate line and they will be executed simultaneously.